English for Academic Purposes

English for Academic Purposes

Our English for Academic Purposes lessons focus on your academic and study skills.

Recommended for

Students who need to improve their level of academic English in order to successfully apply to and study at tertiary level. This course can serve as a precursor to taking the IELTS preparation course.

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What is the course about?

The EAP course offers an opportunity to non English speaking students who do not have the appropriate academic English background or experience to allow them to enrol at tertiary education  institutions. Our course also provides the opportunity to study for and, ultimately, take the IELTS examination, required for acceptance into most universities. The course is to be combined with General  English.

The course focuses on improving academic skills by:

  • Developing the specific skills required for academic reading and writing through a wide range of topics relevant to higher education.
  •  Developing communication skills through discussions, presentations and listening for general understanding and specific points to remember
  • Exploring strategies to help students with new vocabulary, and to record, vary and build their vocabulary.
  • Offering guidance in undertaking research, and in acknowledging sources.
  • Providing plenty of guided practice as well as freer practice to encourage learner independence.
  • Focusing on grammar and parts of speech to brush up and enhance knowledge of English grammar

Important Information

You will have General English in the mornings and learn about English for Academic Purposes in the afternoons!


  • 1-2 weeks: Improved academic vocabulary, progress in academic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking).
  • 2-4 weeks: Able to write basic academic essays, create presentations, improved note-taking, improved research skills.

Why LAL?

  • We have a dedicated academic team who will help you achieve your goals and gain confidence.
  • We offer you a wide variety of leisure options to make the most of your stay.
  • We listen to your feedback, act on your comments and strengthen the course.


Key Facts

Lessons/hours per week:
30 / 22.5
Lesson length:
45 minutes
Lesson schedule:
Class size (maximum):
Course length:
1-4 weeks
Start Date:
Every Monday
Minimum number to run:
*If fewer than 2, lessons will be reduced to 5 hours per week.

Lesson Schedule

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